Simple Ivy Gourd vegetable also known as Tendli . Loves this vegetable ,goes really with dal /lentil .
200 gms tendli washed well and sliced thinly.
2 onions sliced
1 tomato sliced
5 cloves of garlic mashed
Salt and taste
Chilli powder according to taste
Pepper powder according to taste
2 tbsp dessicated coconut roasted till light brown
Heat up some oil. Add the mashed garlic cloves and stir fry lightly for little while.
Then aff the onions and tomatoes and stir fry for 1/2 a minute. Add in the tendli slices.
Mix well. Allow to cook on low flame for some time covered with lid.
Next add the chilli powder,pepper powder and salt to taste accordingly.
Mix well allow to cook.once done add in the roasted dessicated coconut.
Mix well . Switch gas off.
