Ingredients 1
500 gms boneless chicken breast
cut into cubes and marinated in
1tbsp chilli sauce
1tbsp soy sauce
1tsp pepper powder
1tbsp brown sugar
and 1 tsp corn flour
Shallow fry the marinated chicken pieces
Ingredients 2
6 to 8 spring onions
2 green chillies
2 kashmir chillies
1maggie stock cube
2cup water
2 tbsp HP sauce
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp chilli sauce
1/2 tsp pepper powder
1 to 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
1tsp ginger garlic paste
1yellow Bell Pepper cut into cubes
1 Red Bell Pepper cut into cubes
1 green Bell Pepper cut into cubes
In the same pan u fried the chicken, add oil only if required, stir fry the onion bulbs of the spring Onion only reserving the greens for later.
Add 2 cups water , stock cube ,cut green chillies and Kashmir chillies, HP sauce, soy sauce, chilli sauce , Ginger garlic paste and pepper powder.
Allow it to come to a boil.
Then add the fried chicken pieces and mix well.
Lastly add the bell peppers , and apple cider vinegar .
At the end add the final chopped greens of the spring onion.
For the Stir Fry Noodles
1pkt of 200 gms Noodles cook according to packet instructions.
250 gms broccoli chopped roughly
2 carrots chopped diagonally
1tbsp soy sauce
1tsp ketchup
add one stock cube or noodle seasoning which comes with the noodles
1/2 tsp Chinese five spice powder
Stir fry the broccoli and carrots ,add the seasoning, Chinese five spice, soy sauce and ketchup
Mix in the Noodles , toss well.
